Start Service

  1. Step 1 of 4: Find your property
  2. Step 2 of 4: Customer Information
  3. Step 3 of 4: Start Service Date
  4. Step 4 of 4: Review and Confirm
Where do you want to start service?
Map Block
New Mailing Address

Standard Mailing Address
We’re here for you.

 Step 1: Use this self-service portal to start your gas service. Please notify us at least three business/working days – excluding weekends and holidays – before the date you need to start service.

 You will be charged a service initiation fee to start service.

Depending on your credit payment record, we may require a security deposit to open or maintain your service.

If your gas is off, access to your home is required to start service. Someone 18 years or older will need to be available at the service location to provide access. If you have gas appliances with an electronic ignition, your electric service must be active before we can turn on gas service to your appliances. If you have a gas water heater, your water service must be active before we can light the appliance.

Now, search for the property where you want gas service. Then choose where you want your gas bills and correspondences to be mailed. Click the box Same as Service Address or enter a different address.

If the property where you want gas service could not be located, please call 703-941-HEAT (703-941-4328).

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